
Dr. Manjula Anagani, MBBS, MD, FICOG is the Clinical Director and HOD Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills, formerly Chief Gynaecologist, Obstetrician, Infertility Specility and Laparoscopic Surgeon at Medicover Woman and Child hospital, Madhapur, Hitech City, Hyderbad. In the past she was associated with Apollo Hospitals Jubilee Hills, Headed the Department at Care Hospitals, Banjara Hills for 7 and half years & Yashoda hospitals, Somajiguda for 2 yrs and BEAMS hospital, Hyderabad for 4 years. She is a Visiting Laparoscopic Surgeon with NMC Speciality Hospitals, Dubai (every 6 wks). She is a Honorary Associate Professor with NTR University of Health Sciences.

She did her MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, following which she underwent training in prenatal genetic evaluation, infertility, ultrasonography and in minimally invasive procedures (Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopy ) under the guidance of eminent doctors. She was the recipient of chief minister's scholarship for academic excellence in X grade. She was the class representative at Medical School & sports captain in her high school.

She pioneered the art of Laparoscopy in late 90s when Laparoscopy was an emerging technology and it was primarily still a Man’s World wherein all the techniques and equipment that came about were designed to the ergonomics of the male surgeon.

Her achievements include working on ergonomics of woman and evolving newer techniques in Laparoscopy and minimal invasive surgery. She came up with a new Entry Technique to make the surgery less complicated and easier for the Surgeon. Since then she has performed more than 10,000 Laparoscopic surgeries in Gynecology catapulting her at the top slot in Andhra Pradesh and one among the few leading Laparoscopic surgeons in India.

She has been widely recognized for her work on primary amenorrhea (i.e., absent menstrual cycles). She is the First Doctor in the Country to utilize autologous Stem Cells to regenerate endometrium in case of endometrial aplasia (i.e., genetically absent lining of uterus). She is accomplished with Pioneering a new technique in India to create a Neovagina using a minimally invasive technique for woman with absent vagina.

Her expertise in the field of gynecological laparoscopy is recognized in other countries too and she is a visiting Laparoscopic Surgeon in NMC Specialty Hospitals, Dubai. She is an invited Operating Faculty for many National and International Operative workshops, CME’s (Continuous Medical Education) and Conferences. She has scientific paper presentations in US, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand, Sharjah and Italy.

She has been a DNB (Directorate of National Board) teacher since 2006 and Faculty for Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education (EISA) and CeMAST (Centre for Excellence in Minimal Access Surgical Techniques). Sheconducts regular training for Basic and Advanced Laparoscopic techniques duly guiding more than 500 gynecologists in the country.

She is presently the Chairperson for Endoscopic Committee of OGSH (Obst. &Gyn. Society)
She has been recipient of many awards in the Health Sector which includes –
• Health Care Excellence Award for Best Medical and Healthcare Professionals by Indus Foundation at Indo- Global Healthcare Summit Expo 2014.
• Navaratna Mahila Award by GVR Aradhana Cultural Foundation
• Dr. C.S.Dawn Prize for her work on “Laparoscopic Management Of Ectopic Pregnancy in Previous Caesarean Scar “ by FOGSI (Federation of Gyn & Obst of India)
• President’s Trophy : Dr. Suili Rudra Sinha Prize by FOGSI (Federation of Gyn & Obst of India)

She has initiated an advocacy campaign called “Suyosha – A Perfect Woman” to address all aspects of woman’s health, child abuse,health education of adolescent girls and anti- hysterectomy campaign for Avoidable Surgeries through regular awareness campaigns in TV, Print Media, schools and public forums.

She is also a Medical Advisory Member for –
• Johnson & Johnson Ethicon
• Bayer Zydus
• Sports Authority of Telangana State
• Andhra Pradesh Body Donor Association & Savithribaiphule Educational & Charitable trust

She has co- founded an NGO “Pratyusha Support” working on Women Empowerment, and Medical Support; ‘Wish Come True’ for HIV infected kids; ‘Say Yes to Health’ and free health checkups in slums, orphanages and schools in collaboration with LivLife Hospitals.
She has collaborated with state of Andhra Pradesh to undertake Free Cervical Cancer vaccination for young girls in Kasturba Balika Vidyalayas in the state.

She is Paul Harris Fellow for Rotary International and has undertaken woman awareness issues, AIDS and Polio eradication workshops in collaboration with Rotary Club.

She also has to her credit in Dubai, in May, 2014 she had a rare feat of removing 5.1 kg of fibroid of uterus in a woman who was anxious to conceive. This procedure saved her uterus so that she could conceive and this happened to be the World’s second largest fibroid removed.
Inspite of looming contradictions and negative suggestions from colleagues to consider termination as the only answer of some complicated pregnancies, she always made successful efforts and helped those mothers.

Throughout her professional journey in life, she demonstrated focus on womanhood as an innovative creation!

adolescent specialist

Risk evaluation – Clinical examination & managment, Menstrual disorders, Vaccinations,

Women's specialist

Pre marital & pre pregnancy Counselling, Menstrual disorders, Fibroid uterus, Endometriosis, Ovarian Cysts , prenatal, Antenatal & post partum care, High risk pregnancies, Menopause, Urogynaecology

Infertility specialist

Evaluation – male & female
Endoscopic corrective surgeries – Laparoscopic & hysteroscopic
Induction of ovulation, Follicular tracking, Intrauterine inseminations

Our Expertise

Our team has over 23 + years or experience in the below


Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy and laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy-removal of uterus and cervix – (largest done by us was a 28 wks size uterus).
Laparoscopic myomectomy- removal of fibroids (max no removed – 14).
Lap ovarian cystectomy- removal of ovarian cyst and wall.
Lap oophoropexy – fixation of ovaries to prevent recurrence of torsion.
Laparoscopic colpopexy for vault prolapse (post hysterectomy).
Lap sling su r geries for uterine descent in nulliparous women.
Laparoscopic salpingostomy (removal of products of conception by making an incision over the tube), salpingectomy (removal of affected fallopian tube) etc for stable & u surgeries ectopic pregnancies
Lap ovarian drilling for PCOD ( polycystic ovaries)
Lap endometriotic cystectomy (removal of endometriotic cyst wall) & fulguration (coagulating) for endometriosis.
Lap adhesi o. & unstable
Lap neosalpingostomy for fimbrial blocks of fallopian tubes in infertile women
Lap tubal recanalization – post tubal sterilization
Lap metroplasty for bicornuate uterus


Nondescent vaginal hysterectomies
Total abdominal hysterectomies
Myomectomies for fibroid uterus ( highest no removed is 32)
Tubal recanalisations
Sling surgeries
Ovarian pathologies - cystectomy, ovariectomy etc
Strassmann's metroplasty for bicornuate uterus
Fothergills - Manchester surgery for nulliparous descent
Complete colpocleisis for vault prolapse
Ward mayos surgery for vaginal prolapse
Cystocele & rectocele repairs
Thermal Endometrial balloon ablation for Abnormal uterine bleeding
MIRENA insertions for Abnormal uterine bleeding uterine
Cryocauterization & LLETZ of cervix for cervical erosions etc
Cervical Conization for cervical dysplasias

High risk obstetrics

Obstetrical emergencies Emergency cerclage, Multiple pregnancies, Antepartum haemorrhage, PROM, Preterm, CPD, Malpresentations, Eclampsia, Severe PIH, Gestational DM, Pr LsCs, V – Back, Rh Incompatibilities, Bad Obtetric histories, Postpartum haemorrhage,
PPH surgeries uterine artery embolisations, Uterine artery ligations, Internal Iliac ligation, B – Lynch's stich, Mulberry Stich, Ceserean Hysterectomy
Fibroids, Ovarian cysts complicating pregnancies
Medical disorders complicating pregnancies - Heart disease, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Thyroid disorders, Chronic renal failure, Autoimmune conditions, Acute viral & bacterial illnesses, Liver disorders, blood disorder s complicating pregnancies


Hysteroscopic – metroplasty for Asherman's syndrome( adhesions inside the uterus)
Hysteroscpic septal resections for septate uterus
Hysteroscopic myomectomies for submucosal fibroids
Hysteroscopic polypectomies for endometrial polyps
Hysteroscopic fallopian tube cannulation for cornual blocks of fallopian tube
Hysteroscopic TCRE ( transcervical resection of endometrium )for dysfunctional uterine bleeding
Hysteroscopic rel for of missing IUCD

Emergency laparoscopy

Lap twisted Ovarian cysts
Lap TO masses – Acute PID
Lap Cerclages
Lap hemoperitoneum – Post operative complications, Ruptured Haem cysts, Corpus luteum cysts etc
Lap ruptured Endometriomas
Lap evaluations of Post operative complications – Peritonitis, hemoperitoneum, urinary ascitis etc
Lap ectopic pregnancy

Minimal access surgery for vaginal descents

Gynemesh repair of ant & post compartments
Total Prolift repair for vault prolapse
Ant compartment( Cystocele) repair with Prolift, Perigee
Post compartment ( Rectocele & Enterocele) repair with Prolift, Apogee


Stress Incontinence surgeries : TVT, TOT
Pelvic Floor Surgeries


Evaluation - male & female
Endoscopic corrective surgeries – Laparoscopic & hysteroscopic
Induction of ovulation
Follicular tracking
Intrauterine inseminations


Premarital counseling
Contraceptive counselling
Preconceptional counseling

Minimally invasive Neovagina

Minimally invasive Neovagina formation for Vaginal agenesis

Menopausal clinics

Risk evaluation - Clinical examination, BMD, Mammogram etc
Management - Harmonal replacement & Non hormonal management


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Recent news posts

Date: 11-03-2016


What can be called as a remarkable achievement and a matter of pride for the medical fraternity of India, Renowned Gynecologist and Padma Shri Awardee, Dr. Manjula Anagani of MaxCure Hospitals, Hyderabad has entered the Guinness World Records for removing the most number of fibroids in a single operation.

Operating on a 40-year-old patent, Mrs.Soni (Name changed on patient request) on 15th February, 2016 at MaxCures’s Madhapur facility, Dr. Manjula Anagani and her team have successfully removed 84 fibroids, weighing about 4 kg. With the largest weighing 1.07 kg. This was accomplished in a single operation through minimally invasive low transverse mini laparotomy incision for the first time anywhere in the world. The feat was recognized by the Guinness World Records.

Date: 30-03-2015

Awarded Padmashri

Dr Manjula Anagani has be presented with the prestigious Padmashree award for the year 2014 - 2015 by The President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee for the services rendered by her in the field of Medicine.


Dr. Manjula Anagani is presently working as Director, Women and Child Unit, Maxcure Hospitals (old Sunshine Super Specialty Hospitals), Madhapur, Hyderabad and visiting Laparoscopic Surgeon, NMC Specialty Hospitals, Dubai.

She pioneered the art of Laparoscopy in late 90s when Laparoscopy was an emerging technology and it was primarily still a Man’s World wherein all the techniques and equipment that came about were designed to the ergonomics of the male surgeon.

Her achievements include working on ergonomics of woman and evolving newer techniques in Laparoscopy and minimal invasive surgery. She came up with a new Entry Technique to make the surgery less complicated and easier for the Surgeon. Since then she has performed more than 10,000 Laparoscopic surgeries in Gynecology catapulting her at the top slot in Andhra Pradesh and one among the few leading Laparoscopic surgeons in India.

She is widely recognized for her work on primary amenorrhea (i.e. absent menstrual cycles). She is the First Doctor in the Country to utilize autologous Stem Cells to regenerate endometrium in case of endometrial aplasia (i.e. genetically absent lining of uterus). She is accomplished with Pioneering a new technique in India to create a Neovagina using a minimally invasive technique for woman with absent vagina.

B orn on November, 8, 1968 in Achanta Vemavaram village in West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh and coming from a conservative and agriculturist family she is the first girl to undertake medicine in the family. She graduated from Gandhi Medical College and did her MD in Obstetrics & Gynecology from Osmania Medical College in Hyderabad and FICOG from Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

She worked as Head of Department for Gynecology in CARE, YASHODA and BEAMS Hospitals. She also worked as a Consultant with Apollo Hospitals. Her expertise in the field of gynecological laparoscopy is recognized in other countries too and she is a visiting Laparoscopic Surgeon in NMC Specialty Hospitals, Dubai. She is an invited Operating Faculty for many National and International Operative workshops, CME’s (Continuous Medical Education) and Conferences.

She has to her credit a detailed lecture circuit and operative workshops throughout India and in various international forums, highlighting her achievements in terms of medicine, surgery and academics.

She has been a DNB (Directorate of National Board) teacher since 2006 and Faculty for Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education (EISA) and CeMAST (Centre for Excellence in Minimal Access Surgical Techniques). She conducts regular training for Basic and Advanced Laparoscopic techniques duly guiding more than 500 gynecologists in the country. She is presently the Chairperson for Endoscopic Committee of OGSH (Obst. &Gyn. Society)

She has been recipient of many awards in the Health Sector which includes –

• Health Care Excellence Award for Best Medical and Healthcare Professionals by Indus Foundation at Indo- Global Healthcare Summit Expo 2014.

• Navaratna Mahila Award by GVR Aradhana Cultural Foundation

• Dr. C.S.Dawn Prize for her work on “Laparoscopic Management Of Ectopic Pregnancy in Previous Caesarean Scar “ by FOGSI (Federation of Gyn & Obst of India)

• President’s Trophy : Dr. Suili Rudra Sinha Prize by FOGSI (Federation of Gyn & Obst of India)

She has initiated an advocacy campaign called “Suyosha – A Perfect Woman” to address all aspects of woman’s health, child abuse,health education of adolescent girls and anti- hysterectomy campaign for Avoidable Surgeries through regular awareness campaigns in TV, Print Media, schools and public forums. She has co- founded an NGO “Pratyusha Foundation” working on Women Empowerment ; ‘Wish Come True’ for HIV infected kids; ‘Say Yes to Health’ and free health checkups in slums, orphanages and schools.

free Throughout her professional journey in life, she demonstrated focus on womanhood as an innovative creation!

contact us

Contact Information

  • For Appointment Call 88975 12121
  • 11:00AM to 01:00PM
  • Care Hospitals ( Outpatient Banjara Hills )
    Road No 10, Banjara Hills,
    Hyderabad - 500034
  • 03:30PM to 05:30PM
  • Care Hospitals ( Hi-tech City )
    Old Mumbai Highway,
    Near Cyberabad Police Commissionerate,
    Hi-tech City, Hyderabad – 500032
  • 88975 12121
  • For Appointment Call 9848030121
  • 9:00AM to 10:30 AM
  • Dr Manjula Anagani Clinic,
    1st floor, Cyber Heights,
    Lane Between TDP Party Office and Sujana,
    Banjara Hills Rd# 2, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500034.
  • (040) 235-51919
  • NMC Speciality Hospitals,
    Al Nahda, Dubai
    Available Once in every 6th Week,
    Contact : Marketing Department of NMC

